Coronavirus: Justice Minister Judit Varga’s test was positive


The Spanish government approved the purchase of more than 31.5 million doses of the coronavirus vaccine from British-Swedish pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca, Health Minister Salvador Illa said at a press conference in Madrid on Tuesday.

The head of the ministry recalled that the European Commission had signed a contract on behalf of 27 EU member states to purchase around 300 million doses of the preparation, which is still in the experimental phase.

As you said, the price of a dose of vaccine is 2.90 euros (1056 guilders), of which 1.12 euros (408 guilders) is in charge of the European Commission and the contribution of the Member States is 1 , 78 euros (648 florins). The latter could be increased by 20 percent depending on the additional costs incurred, he added.

As two vaccines will be needed to obtain immunity, the amount contributed will be enough for 15.7 million people in Spain, which will have a population of almost 47 million.

Illa Salvador also spoke about the central government studying the possibility of imposing a night curfew in consultation with those provinces where the local leadership sees this as justified. To impose a restriction, a state of emergency must be declared in the area, which, in turn, requires a political consensus in parliament, he stressed.

The Autonomous Community of Madrid has until Saturday a state of emergency, which has been ordered for two weeks due to the high number of cases. The central government does not currently plan to extend this, the minister said.

According to a daily report from the Health Ministry, 5,314 new coronavirus infections were confirmed by PCR tests in 24 hours, and the number of registered cases has risen by almost 14,000 since Monday. Since the first case identified at the end of January, the infection has been detected in more than 988,000 people in Spain.

The death toll from coronavirus so far is 34,210, 553 have lost their lives in a week and 40 have died on Monday.

