Coronavirus: jumped a lot, so the daily number of Hungarian cases is at a new record


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Recent data confirm that the epidemic is spreading at an accelerated rate in Hungary. The number of cases per day jumped high, with the majority of new infections reported on August 30, 292 people.

The number of deaths remains low, but it should be noted that 3 victims were reported in the last three weeks. Unfortunately, as the number of patients increases, more deaths are expected sooner or later, although this effect may be mitigated by the fact that the epidemic is spreading among the very young and more experience has been gained in care than in spring.

The outlook for the domestic epidemic is unfavorable, as the closure of the border will no longer do much in the interior and the start of school will increase the number of social contacts. In an interview with Portfolio, Gergely Röst, professor of mathematics at the University of Szeged, explained that the reproductive value of the coronavirus epidemic, which is spreading at a higher rate in Hungary, has been above 1 for some time. and it has very recently increased to 2-2.5. That is why it is very important that people take a disciplined approach to current regulation. If current restrictive measures are not enough to curb the epidemic, further restrictions may emerge, which again may require serious economic losses.

The government portal recalls in this regard that the second wave of the epidemic can be detected in Europe, the number of infections is increasing and the conditions for entry from abroad have tightened to stop the introduction of the virus. The responsibilities of parents and teachers are paramount in relation to the school year; a sick and symptomatic child should not be able to go to school or kindergarten now. The number of active infections is increasing again, so it remains very important to maintain discipline, entry restrictions and general hygiene rules. We will continue to avoid places where there are many indoors, preferably maintaining a social distance, washing our hands frequently and thoroughly, wearing the mask in stores and on public transport.

The number of active cases jumped to 2100, by the way, and since 2054 was the highest number in the spring wave, we can talk about a new peak. Furthermore, the size of the new daily case numbers predicts that this number will continue to increase significantly. Considering the natural delay in testing and the proportion of latent cases, the number of infected people in the country is almost certainly already in the tens of thousands. This also means that (especially in the capital) we are increasingly likely to encounter virus carriers, so wearing a mask is even more important than ever.

As for the regional pattern: about half of the infections are still registered in the capital, about two thirds in Central Hungary. At the same time, in recent days, there are hardly any counties where there are no daily incidents. This time the exceptions were Baranya and Heves counties. (Due to the subsequent reclassification, the number of infected people dropped dramatically.)

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