Coronavirus: Italian cities closed due to mutations, 12 million people have already been vaccinated by the British


The third “hermetic” lockout, introduced on January 8, ended at 7 a.m. on Sunday morning, with fewer results than the first and second quarantines, experts say, due to a more contagious and undisciplined British version of the coronavirus. . behavior of the population.

After quarantine, the number of infected and seriously ill patients was much higher than a month ago, but the virus reproduction rate dropped from 1.2 to 1, which means that all virus carriers transmit the infection to an average of another person.

So far, no decision has been made on when and how to restart kindergartens, kindergartens and schools, although this will significantly determine the possibility of starting the economy, with the parents returning to work.

According to ynet, educational institutions in the least infected “green” and “yellow” settlements will only be able to open partially on Tuesday. There will also be education in the “orange” and “red” places, which are in a less favorable epidemiological situation, but probably only starting next week, only in small groups and only every other day, and in the gardens and patios There will be classes in the warm spring weather.

The exact timelines and guidelines have yet to be finalized. Officials from the Department of Health and Education will present their proposals at the evening government meeting on Sunday, where they will be discussed and voted on.

The restriction on leaving the houses for thousands of meters was lifted Sunday morning. Again, they can work in non-client workplaces or in service industry areas where only one person is served at a time, i.e. hairdressers and estheticians among others can reopen.

Restaurants and cafes can still only operate with home delivery or takeout, but once again, you can visit national parks and nature reserves, and family members can rent weekend accommodations for themselves.

Tel Aviv’s Ben Gurion Airport will be closed until February 20, but more rescue flights are being organized to repatriate Israelis trapped in Dubai and New York.

The opening date was set for the tumultuous government meeting on Thursday night, where there was a heated debate why Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu would have finished the shortcut only on Friday morning at midnight Sunday, and the Defense Minister Beni Ganz. They finally agreed on Sunday morning.

On Saturday, 21,000 61 people were vaccinated for the first time and 21,000,171 for the second time, after three weeks, with a vaccine jointly developed by Pfizer and BioNTech. Since the start of the vaccination campaign on December 20, 3,426,000 415 people, 37.18 percent of the country’s population, have also received the first dose and just over two million the second.

90 per cent of those over 90, 83 per cent of those aged 80 to 90, 93.9 per cent of those aged 70 to 80 and 77.3 per cent of those aged 60 to 70 have already received at least their first vaccination.

Of the 28,000 852 tests carried out on Saturday, a much smaller number than usual, 2,624 carriers of the virus were identified, representing a rate of 9.4 percent. Since March last year, 686,000 774 people have been infected with the SAR-CoV-2 virus in Israel, which has a population of around 9.3 million. In the current downstream branch of the third wave of the epidemic, the Ministry of Health registers 71,000,596 active infections, 1,786 patients are treated in hospitals, 1,110 of which are in serious condition. 5,074 people have died in Israel since February last year from complications caused by the virus

