Coronavirus is spreading two to three times faster now in Hungary: expert recommends free tests


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The summary provided by Népszava confirms the main messages of Monday’s Portfolio interview that the virus reproduction rate is now not close to 1 but 2.5-3, in other words, an infected person transmits the disease to an average of that many people, which is very high and therefore puts the country at risk of a more serious epidemic.

Beatrix Oroszi said the number of cases had risen steadily since early August, and the breakthrough came after a long weekend last week, when the number of 30- to 40-day infected rose sharply to 292. new cases on Sunday. As you said, in the first four weeks of August, of the 1853 new cases, only 163 cases could be attributed to external infections, and now this rate is less than 10%, therefore, border closure may not be an effective tool. Meanwhile, three countries in the region were suddenly exempted from the so-called total border closure, further increasing the controversy:

The epidemiologist also recalled another main message from our interview that In the second wave of the epidemic, the infection is more frequent among young people. Most of the cases come from participants of village days, freshman camps, weddings, and thus, while in the spring the average age of the sick was 63, it is now 31 years old. This is also a problem because younger people survive the infection, either asymptomatically or with very mild symptoms, which is why they transmit the virus almost imperceptibly to any age group, and the virus’s current high reproductive rate of 2.5- 3 may be related. She recalled the case in Florida: first, young people fell ill there and, within five weeks, the infection had already reappeared in greater deaths.

If there are no quick and effective measures, the number of infected people in the elderly will also increase. Therefore, the fight against the epidemic should not be underestimated now.

– stressed the expert according to the article.

According to the epidemiological analyst, a different strategy is needed now to quell the epidemic than in the spring, so, for example, he says that one of the most important things is to quickly find and isolate new cases and their contacts. This requires a lot of testing, therefore

To make the tests as accessible to the public as possible, he suggested that they be done free of charge.

He also highlighted the importance of following the usual protection measures (proper use of the mask, hand washing, protection distance).

According to the latest Hungarian data, 118 new infections were found based on just 1780 tests, while the day before 178 people out of 3880 tests had been found, and the day before they had found 292 people out of 6380 tests.

Cover image source: MTVA / Commissioner: Tibor Oláh
