Coronavirus in Hungary: Tuesday’s report arrived, the number of deaths near record


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Coronavirus infection was detected in 4,140 Hungarian citizens, which is the sixth highest value measured in Hungary since the beginning of the epidemic. From what it can be said that the number of new diseases is still at a high level, but as we pointed out yesterday, there is nothing surprising about this, we can expect a further increase in the current dynamics of the epidemic.

Unfortunately, the number of deaths was close to a record level: it turned out that 103 patients died, while previously the highest value was 107 people in Hungary. A detailed table from the official information portal also revealed that in addition to the elderly patients, unfortunately, a woman aged 32 and 38 also died. The former struggled with Down syndrome and thyroid disease, while the latter also struggled with thyroid disease and chronic intestinal inflammation.

Currently, there are 88,737 active infections in Hungary, a record.

Another bad news is that the number of hospitalized patients has risen to a new peak, with 6,153 patients treated in institutions, and a new peak is that 461 patients are on ventilator. Unfortunately, it must also be said that, depending on the evolution of the epidemic dynamics, a further deterioration of both figures is expected in the coming weeks.

More details coming soon.

Cover image source: MTI / Tamás Sóki
