Coronavirus in Hungary: the number of new infections has never reached a peak


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The number of new infections has never been higher: 6,495, significantly higher than the average of the last seven days, 39%, which suggests an accelerated spread of the epidemic. Therefore, the effect of his slow caution, which has been applied for a week, is not yet evident. The total number of infected rose to 147,456 (147,961 are incorrect in today’s government announcement, but the number is already correct on the posted map).

Fortunately, the number of deaths did not break a new record, with the number of deaths below 93, more than several times more than 100, now reported. The youngest victim of the epidemic in the last 24 hours was a 33-year-old man who also suffered from kidney disease, retinal infection, pneumonia and heart failure.

7,236 coronavirus patients are hospitalized, 582 of whom are on ventilators. It can be said that both data doubled in 16 days.

34,010 have already been recovered, bringing the number of active infections to 110,256. The number of active infections also doubled in 16 days.

23% of the actively infected, 26% of the dead and 26% of those recovered are from Budapest.

In the last 24 hours, the highest number of new infections was registered in the county of Szabocs-Szatmár-Bereg, 1495, while in Hajdú-Bihar the number of infected increased by 867 and in the county of Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén in 860. In Budapest “only” with 790. In the last week, however, the counties of Budapest and Pest are the main headlines.

The unprecedented rarity of recent statistics is that the number of new infections is greater than the number of samples taken yesterday: the total number of samples so far increased by 6,098 compared to Sunday, while the number of new infections was 6,495.

So if we only looked at yesterday’s sampling results in CURRENT DATA, the proportion of positive tests would be 107%.

Cover image: Getty Images
