Coronavirus in Hungary: the number of deaths and infections jumped to a new record on Sunday


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The new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) was detected in 6,819 new Hungarian citizens, thus increasing the number of infected people identified in Hungary to 211,527. Most of the 156 deaths were elderly and chronic patients, bringing the number of deaths to 4,672. The number of cured people is also constantly growing, currently 55,637 people, the number of active infected people is 151,218 people. 20% of the actively infected, 24% of the dead and 26% of those recovered are from Budapest. 7,590 coronavirus patients are cared for in the hospital, 657 of whom are connected to ventilators. The number of infected people identified is also reported in ambulances, on filter buses and is analyzed among hospital staff using rapid tests. Cumulative test results for specific groups among daycare, kindergarten, school and social workers are expected early next week.

The epidemic curve

The epidemic curve that arises from the daily evolution of the new cases registered unexpectedly twisted upward in the second half of the week. If this is really the result of tests in more intense groups and more exposed to the epidemic, it does not say much about the spread of the coronavirus. Béla Merkely, rector of Semmelweiss University, said this week that if we only take into account the results of traditional tests, we can feel the decline of the epidemic. (Of course, like many other things, epidemiology does not provide data, so we do not have the opportunity to analyze this in more depth.)

More details coming soon.

Cover image: Getty Images
