Coronavirus in Hungary: the latest data has arrived


Viktor Orbán previously reported today’s infection figures:

Since the beginning of the epidemic, coronavirus infection has been detected in 383,735 Hungarian citizens.

As of yesterday, 1,860 new Hungarian citizens have been diagnosed with the new coronavirus infection.

Most of the 99 deaths were chronically elderly patients, bringing the number of deaths to 13,543.

Unfortunately, the seven-day moving average for both the deceased and the newly infected appears to be on the rise.

3,828 coronavirus patients are being hospitalized, 299 of them on ventilators.

The number of cured people is constantly increasing, currently 289,520 people, the number of actively infected people has decreased to 80,672 people.

372 new infections were found in Budapest and 240 in Pest county. Borsod had the highest number of infected people in the field, 158 people, followed by Győr-Moson-Sopron with 113 infected people.

Yesterday 19,439 samples were taken, 9.6% of the tests were positive.

More details coming soon …

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