Coronavirus in Hungary: Sunday’s data arrived


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On the average of the last week, 1013 new infections were officially recorded in Hungary, the last 1068 cases are higher, and the number of cases in Hungary has been only 5 times higher so far.

Of the 21 ongoing deaths, more than one was recorded on Wednesday of this week. Last week, 132 of the officially recorded coronavirus infections died in Hungary.

However, 10,848 people have already recovered, the number of actively infected people is 25,862, representing an increase of 16% in one week. However, for the first time in a long time, there was a slight decrease in the number of active cases, the day before there were still 25,980 people in this category.

33% of the actively infected, 46% of the dead and 32% of those recovered were from Budapest.

According to a new dynamic data service requested in hospitals, 1,252 coronavirus patients are treated in hospitals, 138 of whom are connected to ventilators. The first represents an increase of 83% in one week and the second more than triple.

According to our figure below, in the last week, after Budapest and Pest counties, most of the new infections have been recorded in Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén and Győr-Moson-Sopron counties.

10,203 samples were taken in the last 24 hours, 28% more than a week before, the proportion of positive cases is 10.5%.

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