Coronavirus in Hungary: record number of deaths, new infection close to peak in Friday data


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The main data

The new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) was detected in 6,393 new Hungarian citizens, thus increasing the number of infected people identified in Hungary to 198,440. Most of the 135 deaths were chronically elderly patients, bringing the number of deaths to 4,364. The number of people recovered increased to 52,126 and the number of actively infected people was 141,950. 21% of the actively infected, 24% of the dead and 26% of those recovered were from Budapest. 7,591 coronavirus patients are hospitalized, 647 of whom are on respirators.

The epidemic curve

The 6,393 new infections recorded daily are slightly more than yesterday’s data, making it the second highest figure for the Hungarian epidemic. As we see the second very high number in a row, the downtrend of the previous days has broken, roughly just when the first positive effect of the closes should be seen in the data. As we have written several times before, the shape of the epidemic curve raises increasingly serious questions about the quality of epidemiological statistics. Today, for example, the government portal added the following additional data to the government portal: The cumulative results of the group tests are expected early next week. “

Unfortunately, this raises more questions than it answers, such as not knowing if this is a new practice or if it has been in the past, or if there has been a change in methodology, what effect it has had on the numbers.

The number of daily victims is at its peak

In the last 24 hours, 135 patients infected by the coronavirus have died, the highest daily figure to date, after 121 reported six days ago. The number of victims continues to rise.

The number of serious cases has increased today: the number of both those hospitalized and those who are connected to the ventilator is greater than a day before. However, in these indicators, yesterday’s decline brought a big zigzag, making it difficult to determine if the uptrend has slowed down a bit. Another interesting fact is that while the number of people treated at the hospital is officially close to 7,600, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán mentioned 9,500 in his radio interview this morning.

Extreme volatility in the number of tests and the proportion of tests that tested positive continued. So far this week we have seen 10 thousand 20 thousand days, that is what today’s data discovered: with 35 thousand tests carried out. There is no clear explanation as to why the testability of the Hungarian epidemic varies so extremely from day to day, or (more conceivably) why the number of reported cases varies in this way in statistics. Today, by the way, 18% of the tests came back positive, which is a high rate but much lower than yesterday’s 35%. The decrease, obviously, can be partly explained by the jump in the number of tests.

Regional image

Based on recent case numbers for the past seven days, a new focal point is emerging: Békés County. The southeastern region has so far been relatively less affected by the epidemic, but now produces the second highest number of cases in proportion to the population. Many cases have been reported in Iron, this county remains the most infected area. It is interesting that Budapest already produces infection figures below the national average in proportion to the population.

Cover image: Getty Images
