Coronavirus in Hungary: now it has to be toughened up a bit so it doesn’t have to be big later


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Day by day, the time is drawing near when the economy gets into big trouble. The sharp increase in the number of coronavirus patients shows that the virus is once again spreading within the country, and while many have brought the disease from abroad, those who have not even visited the Adriatic this year are actually infected. So many new infections (292 people) were recorded on Sunday, unprecedented since the outbreak of the coronavirus epidemic. In addition, it is very likely that the number of patients diagnosed is at least ten times more infected, and if we start from the first wave (and assume that the effectiveness of the Hungarian epidemic has not changed), there may be 14-15 times more infected than the registered ones. .

The trend of the last week shows that the disease is spreading faster and more and more foci are forming in more and more parts of the country. Epidemiology is trying to listen to the infected through contact investigation, but with such a large number of cases, it is no longer an easy task. In other words, in just a week or two, the virus could have survived the period when it was still possible to contract the spread through contact research. However, with such a large number of cases, there is a growing possibility that the epidemic will break out.

That is why it is particularly interesting that so far only the government has announced the closure of the borders. This measure can prevent the introduction of the virus into the country from abroad, which can slow the spread of the domestic virus, but cannot prevent the virus from making its way into the country. The virus’s reproductive rate has likely reached a level where mild national restrictive measures would also be needed. That is, so that we can avoid particularly strict restrictions.

However, as long as the government emphasizes the responsibility of teachers and parents to monitor student health and requires non-mandatory fever tests at the school gate, we are at a very serious disadvantage in the fight against the virus. As long as infected children have a high probability of going to school (coronavirus or just a little cold?), Where recently issued and currently in force measures are worth practically no tree bugs, the virus can easily explode in schools. communities. Not to mention, there are now a lot of people coming home from vacation abroad who can go to school / work in the next few days without an exam.

It would be time to adjust the use of the mask, it would be time to remove all the thermometers, it would be time to introduce travel bans in some social and health institutions. Now is the time for mandatory testing of health and school workers. It would be time to impose a severe penalty, measured in hundreds of thousands, on those who do not wear the mask or put it under their nose, p. Eg in stores possibly other epidemiological measures are denied. Punishment can be enough of a deterrent so that you don’t have to battle windmills with virus deniers to pick up the mask.

As far as possible, the most vulnerable places (nursing homes and hospitals) should be protected and the development of potentially larger focal points (schools and kindergartens) should be avoided. For the former, a more efficient and specific test would be a suitable tool. For the latter, a quick response and a regional approach. This would prevent the total closure of the school, which would cause immediate economic damage, and would prevent the recurrence of the spring situation, that is, the fact that a large proportion of coronavirus infections have developed in hospital epidemics.

The spread of the virus must stop now, because we know from our own example the economic consequences of imposing drastic restrictions, and we know from the example of other countries the impact of the virus release on the healthcare system. Although the disease is spreading even more among young people today, let’s not think that over time it will not be transmitted to the elderly without the introduction of different rules.

Stopping the spread of the virus is a shared responsibility, but it is clear that each actor has different tools in this fight and the state can take the most effective action. Clear rules (especially in education, health and social care) would need to be established, enforced and financially supported to ensure that workers can feel safe in their workplaces in the coming months, that their children are safe in schools and that they can to be sure. family members in the hospital or nursing home. If the rule system could be relaxed, it could even be relaxed as the virus shrinks. The government has the coercive means, the money, and the infrastructure, so it is no coincidence that the public and businesses expect the government to follow the rules and enforce them. In addition, the government can set an example, for example, if cabinet members also wear masks.

In the first wave, society has shown that it can coexist with strict restrictive measures, and it could still coexist with less strict, somewhat inconvenient, but slowing the spread of the virus. It’s time to introduce them so you don’t have to make even bigger sacrifices later!

Cover image: Getty Images
