Coronavirus in Hungary: Cecília Müller will speak soon


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Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said this morning that no restrictions are expected in Hungary in the next 3 weeks, the virus vaccine is expected to be close next summer, so it will have to endure and the management of the economic crisis will be seen. serviced by the 5% house price announced yesterday. There will be other steps, such as a home renovation discount and additional family support steps. Regarding health care, in addition to the issue of a large increase in medical salaries, it was also discussed that at least 10 more issues need to be resolved before the end of the year for a kind of order to emerge.

Yesterday, Cecília Müller, the national medical chief, said that preparations were being made to increase the number of hospital beds. As there was a lack of health capacity in several places in Europe due to the sudden outbreak of the epidemic, hospitals were asked to provide data in real time. There are top-of-the-line institutions in Hungary that are already operating at full capacity. But fresh sewage samples can give you very cautious confidence and rapid testing can be done.

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