Coronavirus in Hungary: almost 1,000 new infections have been detected in the last 24 hours


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The 951 new patients was the second highest number of cases in Hungary to date, more than once, 1070 were found last Sunday. Unfortunately, yesterday’s relatively low number of new cases may have been a one-time decline, and the trend continues to rise. It may be reassuring at first glance that the curve begins to flatten out and the new number of cases stabilizes around 1000, but it is important to know that this may also be due to the exhaustion of our detection capacity.

In the last 24 hours, 8 people have lost their lives due to a coronavirus, which means that we can already see a clear increase compared to the outbreak of the second wave, but we still cannot speak of an explosion. In the previous seven days, an average of 7 people died per day.

The number of active cases is 15,104, but this number does not necessarily reflect reality, as it only reflects the discovered cases. Actually, experts estimate that there may be more than 200,000 active infections in Hungary, most of them asymptomatic or producing mild symptoms, but in the meantime they can spread the virus.

The rate of spread of the second wave of epidemics is excellently shown by the curves for all diseases that actually spiked in late August. We also see a positive slope in mortality, but fortunately not as much as in morbidity. However, the so-called Florida effect shows that the increase in the number of infected people is followed by an increase in the number of deaths within a few weeks. It would be very important to avoid this by taking the proper precautions such as wearing a professional mask and distance rules.

More details coming soon.

Cover image: Getty Images
