Coronavirus: Hungarian report arrived on Sunday, with deaths at its peak


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The new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) was detected in 4,238 new Hungarian citizens, thus increasing the number of infected people identified in Hungary to 140,961. Most of the 107 deaths were chronic elderly patients, so the number of deaths increased to 3,097 and 31,599 have already recovered. The number of active infections is 106,265. 24% of the actively infected, 26% of the dead and 27% of those recovered are from Budapest. 7,013 coronavirus patients are hospitalized, 569 of whom are on ventilators.

The upward trend in the number of new infections per day has been replaced by stagnation for a few days. It is still unclear if we are really seeing a halt in the acceleration of the epidemic, or if something has happened to the statistics that makes the time series data unmatched. This period is not yet affected by the effect of restrictive measures, that is, the epidemic should have spread evenly “by itself”, which, according to international and national experience, is not really plausible. The most common explanation is that the advent of rapid tests has caused a change in time series, changed test practices, and fluctuations in test capabilities can cause movements other than expected.

For the third time, we are seeing 107 deaths daily, which means that the accelerating trend is still typical here. This does not necessarily disprove the more uniform spread of the virus, since the decrease in the number of deaths (or at least the stagnation of growth) is delayed depending on the specific characteristics of the dynamics of the epidemic.

More details coming soon.

Cover image: Getty Images
