Coronavirus: Hungarian doctors sent desperate request


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We don’t touch, we are deeply shocked

The Facebook post begins in which doctors from the National Institute of Cardiology address the public.

Although during the first wave of the epidemic they received incomprehensible support from Hungarian society, now, at the beginning of the second wave, they are faced with attacks and unworthy criticisms and accusations.

They also had to file a police report yesterday. The father of a child lying inside refused to stop at a checkpoint set up to stem the epidemic. Colleagues who worked there, despite saying that there was a ban on visiting, the aggressor pushed the security guard aside, then ran into the building and did not stop until the second floor of the Children’s Heart Center. The security guard caught up with him here and asked him to comply with the Institute’s screening obligation under the COVID-19 protocol and to wear a mouth mask, which is provided free of charge. He also did not refuse to do so, in fact, he hit a colleague on duty.

In recent days, the institute has received more criticism for our introduced procedures due to the epidemiological situation.

Believe me, all of our actions protect the interests of our healers and healers.

Nothing is more important than human life, the second wave of the epidemic will not escape us either, and those who fight against cardiovascular diseases are the most vulnerable, they write in the post.

Now is the time to LOVE DOKIT and all healthcare workers!

the institute post ends.

Cover image: National Institute of Cardiology György Gottsegen, Facebook
