Coronavirus here or there, you can achieve a fixed yield of 10 percent with a very simple trick


This review is part of the Portfolio Signature content.

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The great trick keeps working.

We have already discussed in several articles (the most recent one here) that a pending baby loan may also be worth it for those who do not necessarily have a child in the next 5 years or who are not sure that their new child will arrive. In this case, the state interest subsidy used in the meantime for the waiting baby loan will have to be repaid in 5 years, and it will probably be worth paying off the loan.

Baby Loan on Hold will also be a focus of our online conference next Tuesday, please register!

If we invest the amount in MÁP + bonds in the first 5 years, even with all this, you can achieve a predictable profit of hundreds of thousands of forints. This corresponds to a double-digit annual rate of return on the monthly installment of the waiting baby loan (as a kind of “regular savings”).

Would you take out a pending baby loan? Calculate yourself with the Money Center Calculator!

Last week, ÁKK released the performance data for baby waiting loans taken in June, which included the amount of the interest subsidy to pay.

Was 10% performance fixed even then?

  • A step-by-step combination of baby credit and super government titles
  • How much money do I have left in the end?
  • What if I don’t want a baby?
