Coronavirus: Here is the latest data, two and a half months have not seen a peak of the epidemic


The 4,668 new infections are the highest number this year, even higher than yesterday’s 4,385 infections, a big jump. The last time we saw such a high figure was in the second wave, on December 12.

The evolution of the number of infections clearly indicates the acceleration of the epidemic. At the same time, the number of people in serious situations is constantly increasing: the number of people hospitalized has risen to more than 5,000 (5027) and 451 are on respirators. Both indicators are increasing at a rapid rate, and with the epidemic gaining new momentum just a few days ago, that number is expected to rise even more rapidly.

The accelerating dynamics of the epidemic has the least impact on the number of deaths. There have been 123 deaths from coronavirus in the last 24 hours, a maximum of 45 days. Unfortunately, we can be sure that we will also see an acceleration in the coming weeks.

Meanwhile, the vaccination program is underway in the country, with 5.3% of the population receiving the first dose of the vaccine and 2.5% receiving the second.

Regional data proportional to population show that the epidemic is more prevalent in the counties of Komárom-Esztergom, Nógrád and Somogy, where the number of new cases per 100,000 people per week exceeds 300. However, the epidemic is growing spreading at the fastest rate in the central part of the country, in the counties of Pest and Fejér in Budapest, and the number of cases has doubled in about a week.

What’s interesting about today’s county data is that there are already areas in the country where the number of new cases has risen to a new peak, outpacing the second wave. In Somogy County, there have never been 284 cases in 24 hours.

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