Coronavirus: here is the Hungarian data for Sunday morning, the daily number of cases is at its peak


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The new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) was detected in 292 new Hungarian citizens, thus increasing the number of infected people identified in Hungary to 5,961. The daily number of cases is a new record, before that, most new infections were recorded on April 10, when the daily figure was 210 people.

The death toll is unchanged at 614, meaning there have been no new deaths from the virus in Hungary for the fifth day in a row.

3,759 have already been cured, but the number of new infections far exceeds their cures, so the number of active infections is constantly increasing, currently we know of 1,588 active infections in Hungary. Of these, 90 are so serious that they need hospital care and 7 of them are connected to a ventilator.

The number of tests has skyrocketed in recent days, with 6,380 tests performed in the last 24 hours. The number of daily tests remained below 2,000 in the first two days of the week, on Wednesday more than 4,000 tests were carried out at home and on Friday almost 6,000. (There was a slightly lower number in the Thursday morning and Saturday morning reports, then fewer than 4,000 tests were reported during the previous 24 hours.)

Most of the new cases have been registered in Budapest in the last 24 hours, 135 people. 31 new infections were found in Pest county, 25 in Győr-Moson-Sopron county and 24 in Hajdú-Bihar county. The number of new infections is higher than 10, including in Baranya, Veszprém and Fejér counties. In Békés and Nógrád counties, however, a reclassification may have taken place, as the number of registered infected people decreased in these two counties. Furthermore, new infections were reported this morning in all Hungarian counties.


In the last week, in addition to Budapest, the infection has spread rapidly in Pest county, but in the north-eastern part of the country, in Gy ther-Moson-Sopron county and in Fejér county, it has also been found a greater number of infected people.

As the data on new infections warn, the epidemic is not over, the number of active infections is increasing again, so discipline, entry restrictions and compliance with general hygiene rules remain very important – warns the portal government and also warns about the spread of infection. to avoid:

  • The second wave of the epidemic has started in Europe, therefore the conditions for entry from abroad will be tightened again from September 1, according to the statutes, foreign citizens cannot enter Hungary, and home quarantine 14-day official is mandatory for Hungarian citizens returning from abroad.
  • The responsibilities of parents and educators are paramount in the next start of school; a sick and symptomatic child should not be able to go to school or kindergarten now.
  • We will continue to avoid places where there are lots of people inside, preferably maintaining a social distance, washing our hands frequently and thoroughly, wearing a mask in stores and on public transport.
  • Young people having fun together are asked not to drink from an ordinary bottle and to take general precautions as well.
  • Anyone who has been ordered to have an official home quarantine for a stay abroad or for any other reason must strictly comply.
  • Anyone with symptoms should not go to community gatherings, friends, family, and other gatherings, but rather stay home and notify their GP by phone.

If we follow all of these, we can prevent the spread of infection and introduce more restrictive measures, writes

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