Coronavirus: here are the data from Hungary for Wednesday morning, the number of hospital patients is at a new peak


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The number of new infected cases on Tuesday was 4,290, it would be difficult to draw a definitive conclusion from the data of a day or two, but maybe we can count on some kind of slowdown at least.

99 of our compatriots died in the epidemic last day, the number of deaths seems to have stopped, according to official data, which is good news.

However, the number of hospital admissions has reached a new peak, and in the next period it may be easy that, although the number of new infections decreases as a result of the measures, hospitals will be under even greater pressure for a time, already that patients generally do not become so severe immediately after infection. require intensive therapy, hospital observation. The number of people on the fan was 581, which is just one from the previous record.

The government portal yesterday reported a data error in the number of coronavirus tests, but the error has not yet been corrected, but the data published today, which in principle is no longer erroneous, again brought a brutal test rate – Nearly one in five coronavirus tests was positive.

Looking at regional data, it seems that the number of new cases is still the highest in the capital in the last week and its surroundings, but the situation is already different in terms of population: the number of cases has increased in the northwestern counties. and north.

Cover image source: MTI / EPA / Stephanie Lecocq.
