Coronavirus: Doctors are also shocked by the high death rate


Those who do not receive the vaccine are more likely to contract the coronavirus and there are no people to tell them how serious it will be: they will survive with mild symptoms or they will be admitted to an intensive care unit, said Ádám Péter, Intensive. Specialist at the Hungarian Defense Forces Service Center. He stressed that the high death rate caused by the coronavirus is also shocking for doctors.

Peter Adam pointed out, who asks, answers: vaccination is the solution. He also mentioned that there are several vaccines available in Hungary, about which quite a bit of uncertain information has come to light. The expert, on the other hand, stated that it can be stated with clear and professional certainty that all vaccines used in Hungary are safe and effective.

The Army Hospital specialist asked everyone to trust medicine and doctors. Anyone who signs up will receive the vaccine that is best for them, the MTI said in a review.

Péter Ádám, who has been involved in caring for coronavirus patients in the intensive care unit since the first wave, also showed M1 staff where they treat the severely infected. He said that someone is already admitted to the intensive care unit in the first days of their illness, but there are also those who experience deterioration around the seventh day that causes them to be admitted to the intensive care unit.

He noted that the coronavirus primarily affects the lungs, but it can also cause kidney and heart problems. “This virus affects all organs,” said Ádám Péter, who also pointed out that the high death rate caused by the coronavirus is shocking for doctors.
