Coronavirus: Death toll nears a quarter of a million


According to data from John Hopkins University on Saturday morning in the world

  • To date, 3,344,274 coronavirus infections have been reported,
  • There were 238,775 deaths from infection and
  • 1,053,344 healers are registered.

Almost a third of those registered as infected came from the United States, followed by Spain, Italy and the United Kingdom.

According to the MTI summary, the majority of Covid-19 deaths caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus In the U.S there are 1,103,781 confirmed infected, 64,956 dead and 164,015 recovered.

Spain 213,435 infected, 24,543 deaths and 112,050 recovered patients.

Italy 207,428 had coronavirus infections, 28,236 had deaths, and 78,249 had recovered from Covid-19.

the United Kingdom178,685 were infected, 27,583 died of the disease and 892 recovered from it.

France 167,305 infected, 24,628 deaths and 51,124 recovered.

Germany 164,077 were infected, 6,736 were fatalities and 126,900 were recovered.

in Turkey 122,392 infections were registered, 3,258 were deaths and 53,808 recovered.

in Russia The number of infected was 114,431, the number of fatalities 1,169 and the number of recovered 13,220.

Iran 95,646 infected, 6,091 deaths and 76,318 recovered.

China (Excluding Hong Kong and Macao) 83,959 cases were recorded on Saturday morning. 4637 people died from the disease caused by the virus. The number of cured is 78,580.

Brazil 92,202 were infected, 6,412 were fatal, and 38,039 were recovered.

On March 11, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared that the coronavirus was a pandemic that spread from Wuhan in central China.

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