Coronavirus: Czechs prepare for further tightening, the number of new Hungarian infections recorded


Announced restaurant closings at 6 p.m. Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, asking the population to leave their home only to work or go to school.

The new measures will take effect nationwide from midnight on Sunday and will run until November 24.

Bars, espressos, ice cream parlors, restaurants and other places to eat are closed at night at 6 pm and the restriction applies to every day of the week. Restaurants can seat up to four guests at each table, unless there are multiple members of the same family. Food and drink on the street or outdoors was prohibited. Food delivery is allowed until midnight.

Cinemas, theaters, concert halls, gyms, swimming pools, discos and game rooms will close again in Italy. The museums will remain open.

Amateur team sports are paused. Formal and private events and celebrations, including house parties, wedding lunches, and attendance conferences, will be prohibited from now on.

Kindergartens and primary schools continue to function in classroom education until the age of 14, if the educational institution can provide safe conditions for it. 75% of grammar schools and vocational high schools switch to online teaching and ease the burden of public transportation. Teleworking is encouraged in public administration and in all other workplaces.

Giuseppe Conte kijelentette, They will not introduce general and national exit restrictions, nor will they close national and interprovincial travel for the time being. At the same time, the prime minister “strongly recommended” to the population to leave their homes solely for work, school or urgent reasons. Only those who live under one roof should stay together in houses, he added.

We cannot afford to close the country again, as happened between March and May, and we do not want to choose between protecting health and the economy.

he stated.

For the third time since October 13, the Roman government has stepped up precautionary measures. Giuseppe Conte highlighted that the national spread of the Covid-19 disease had reached “alarming” levels with twenty thousand infections recorded per day. “There is a heavy burden on medical care, the search for contacts is currently uncontrollable, the epidemic is sweeping us loosely,” said the prime minister. He said the new precautions are meant to prevent the number of patients from doubling to three times by Christmas.

Giuseppe Conte emphasized that at the regional level, the provincial presidents could introduce further toughening. Currently, seven provinces have enacted a nightly curfew from 11 a.m. or midnight to 5 p.m., including Rome, Milan and Naples. Where there is a curfew, restaurants are closed from 6:00 pm to 5:00 pm and 24-hour stores cannot sell alcohol.

