Coronavirus: Czechs may already be relaxing


In the Czech Republic, 4,246 new infections were tested on Tuesday, 1,163 fewer than on Monday and half the cases from a week ago, according to reports posted on the Health Ministry website on Wednesday morning.

In the ministry’s five-lane one-point risk table, in which each 20-point lane corresponds to certain precautions, the national epidemic situation has been at 70 points for a week, so it is in lane 4, one better than the most severe lane. Previously, the epidemic situation in the Czech Republic was the worst in band 5 (80-100 risk points).

The applicable precautions are modified if the risk factor moves in a lower or higher band for a week. The spread of the epidemic is still between 0.6 and 0.7, indicating a slowdown.

On the basis of the positive evolution of the situation, the authorities have already allowed, among other things, that the students of first and second grade of primary school return to their desks on Wednesday. Weddings, funerals and worship services can have 15 people instead of the previous six.

On the other hand, the number of buyers in the open stores was limited. People can enter small stores one by one, while in large stores, each customer must have an area of ​​15 square meters. Operators are responsible for complying with the rules.

Health Minister Jan Blatny announced Wednesday that he will propose more relief to the government. Details are not yet known.

However, leading Czech politicians, including Prime Minister Andrej Babis, are warning against caution and do not want to rush relief. The former Minister of Health, Roman Prymula, stated that “although the epidemic situation has improved, everything remains very fragile.”

The Czech Republic has a state of emergency until November 20. The government decided on Monday to ask the House of Representatives to extend the state of emergency for 30 days. The lower house of parliament will put the issue on the agenda on Thursday. The parties agree on the extent of the state of emergency, but differ in its duration.

