Coronavirus: Cecilia Müller made an important decision


Given the increased demand for coronavirus testing in the past 24 hours, the National Medical Director has further strengthened sampling capacity today, the National Center for Public Health (NNK) said.

Photo: MTI Photo / Zoltán Balogh

By decision of September 8, 2020, Cecília Müller designated all authorized and publicly funded healthcare vehicles as ambulance vehicles and involved them in transporting samples taken for PCR tests.

The task is coordinated by OMSZ. All this was done for the safety and continuity of the health and sampling service, writes the NNK in its statement.

According to World Economy, the last week has placed an extremely heavy burden on sampling teams conducting corona tests. Generally, it was not possible to take a sample from a person suspected of having a coronavirus within 24 hours of notifying the GP. There was a unit that came to work in the capital 100 kilometers from Budapest. They went to 25 addresses in one day, paramedics revealed.
