Coronavirus: Antibodies detected in all test subjects of the second Russian vaccine


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“Clinical research shows that antibodies have been detected in 100 percent of volunteers immunized with EpiVacCorona” Vector’s report rang. “Regarding the cellular immune response, it has already been observed that in the majority of the volunteers vaccinated with EpiVacCorona the initiation of a specific immune response of T cells expressed after vaccination was observed “. added the center.

However, the information provided by Vector noted that:

entered the massive testing phase only this week: the effectiveness of the protection provided by the vaccine can only be assessed after drawing the preliminary and final conclusions from post-registration studies.

According to the research center, so far no side effects have been reported during testing, and only six volunteers complain of transient pain at the injection site.

Vector said it will release 50,000 doses of the vaccine by the end of the year and has produced 25,000 doses so far. Mass production is expected to start next year. Based on the information above, EpiVacCorona should be stored at 2-8 degrees.

In Russia, the number of new confirmed coronavirus infections rose from 24,318 to 2,039,926 last day, according to official figures released Friday. The number of active cases dropped by 901 to 453,201 in the last day, the number of deaths increased by 461 to 35,311, and the number of recovered cases increased by 24,758 to 1,551,414.

Cover image: Getty Images
