Coronavirus: another 2,079 patients and 63 dead in Hungary


On Tuesday morning, the number of infected people identified increased by 2,079 in 24 hours and 63 patients died; the most recent data can be read at koronaví 17.75 percent of the tests performed were positive, which is a very high rate.

In one day, a new coronavirus infection (Covid-19) was detected in 2,079 new Hungarian citizens, increasing the number of infected people in Hungary to 63,642, reported

According to this, most of the 63 people who died in one day were elderly, chronic patients, so the number of people who died amounted to 1,535 and 16,646 had already recovered. (It should be added that according to the government side, almost all the “chronic elderly” died, the data published today also includes several first 60 with “chronic diseases” such as hypertension and / or diabetes, and one deceased of 57 years. It has been reported that anemia and hip wear are chronic diseases in women).

The number of active infections is 45,461. 27 percent of the actively infected, 35 percent of the dead and 29 percent of those recovered were in Budapest.

According to the official summary, there are currently 2,891 hospitalized coronavirus patients, 243 of whom are on ventilators. Another sad record was set, as the number of hospital patients never increased that much in one day – 289 people.

Good news for those who like round numbers: according to official data, the number of tests carried out in Hungary has already exceeded one million (at 1,002,093).

The information shows that the number of new tests increased slightly again after the decrease of the previous day. And since the number of new cases decreased slightly, 17.75 percent of laboratory tests were positive, a very high value. The positivity rate is therefore three times higher than the WHO recommendation that an indicator greater than 5% indicates insufficient evidence and that the epidemic can be kept under control. (This proportion also exceeds the WHO maximum of 12 percent.)

The surge phase of the second wave of the epidemic is occurring across Europe and in Hungary, and the number of infected people is dynamically increasing, the operative tribe wrote.

At the government’s proposal, Parliament decided on Monday on measures to strengthen protection against the epidemic, the amount of punishment will increase in case of violation of the official home quarantine and the official home quarantine will become automatic after crossing the border.

According to a government decree published Thursday, the use of masks is also mandatory at outdoor events and sporting events. Participants must wear a mask at the venue of a sporting event and in an outdoor gathering. Athletes, coaches, the match director, the referee and their assistants do not have to wear a mask at sporting events. You can speak without a mask in the meeting. Anyone who does not wear a mask despite having been instructed by the organizer of the sporting event or meeting must be instructed by the organizer of the event to leave the venue.

In addition, the use of the mask remains mandatory in addition to shops and public transport in cinemas, theaters, shopping centers, health and social care facilities and customer reception offices. After 23:00, restaurants and entertainment venues must be closed.

The operational tribe currently ordered emergency breaks at 70 kindergartens and sanitizer cleaning during schools during the fall break.

In order to curb the spread of the community, we will continue to avoid places where there are many people indoors, preferably keep social distance, wash our hands frequently and thoroughly. Anyone who has received an official home quarantine order for a stay abroad or for any other reason must strictly comply. Anyone with symptoms should not go into the community but should stay home and notify their GP by phone.

Older people are also asked to pay close attention to themselves and general precautions. Visiting hospitals and nursing homes is prohibited. And nursing home administrators must do everything possible to prevent infection. If a focal point takes place in a social institution or elsewhere in the community, the epidemiological deployment unit will take the necessary measures – read on the government website.
