Coronavirus: almost 40,000 new patients in Italy


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In one day, 39,811 new patients were registered and 425 lost their lives. More than 231,000 virus tests were performed in one day. The number of actively infected exceeded half a million and the death toll reached 41,063. The hospital has more than 25,000 patients with 2,634 ventilators.

Most of the new patients continued to be seen in Lombardy, more than eleven thousand in one day and more than four thousand per region in Piedmont and Campania. Tens of millions of Lombardies have been classified as an epidemic-prone red area, and an all-day curfew has been in place since Friday: the smooth running of the province’s health care system can barely support the patient seizures.

Campania, with 5.8 million, is in the lowest yellow class: fewer patients, but underdeveloped medical care cannot cover them. Naples Mayor Luigi De Magistris said there are twenty ambulances in the city of nearly a million.

The average age of the dead is 82 years, and almost fifty-eight percent of them are men. The average age of detected infections is much less than 49 years. According to a survey by the Ministry of Health, the number one focal points of the infection are the doors of stores, the keyboard of an ATM and the handles of public transport.

The national nighttime curfew went into effect on Friday. Leaving the residence in Milan, part of the red light district, is also limited during the day, with travelers sipping their coffee on the sidewalk in front of espresso after catering only works to take them away. Circulation is free during the day in Rome, but restaurants have to close at six in the afternoon: on Saturday night, in the last minutes before closing, crowds still ate on the terraces of the express.

According to the announcement of the Ministry of the Interior, mayors can lift the curfew from ten o’clock at night one hour earlier, closing the most visited points of the city, streets and squares from nine o’clock.

Where there are no curfews during the day, smaller and larger demonstrations follow: in Rome, market cubes protested against the closure of open-air markets on Saturday, hundreds of people participated in a far-left movement in Turin demanding work and home, and protesters without mouth masks in Naples. the press invented the nonexistent pandemic. Calabrian merchants in the red zone put a death report on their shutters with the inscription that they were sentenced to death by government restrictions.

Analysts noted that Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte was left completely alone in the fight against the epidemic. The power of the Five Star Movement (M5S), which elevated Contét to the head of government in 2018, fell from more than 32 percent at the time to less than half, and the other ruling force, the Democratic Party (PD) , moved away from unpopular restrictive measures.

Cover image: Getty Images
