Coronavirus: again more than a hundred dead numbers per day


113, mostly elderly, chronic patients died, and another 3,292 Hungarian citizens were diagnosed with coronavirus infection. All meetings are prohibited.

It was written on the government portal: the number of infected people identified in Hungary has risen to 311,554 – MTI cites the daily report.

The death toll was 8,729 and the number recovered was 120,529.

The number of actively infected people is 182,296. 18 percent of the actively infected, 20 percent of the dead and 21 percent of those recovered are from Budapest.

The hospital cares for 6,382 coronavirus patients, 491 of whom are on ventilators.

There are 29,019 people in official home quarantine and the number of samples has increased to 2,575,650.

The number of infected people continues to grow across Europe, in neighboring countries and in Hungary, with more and more people seeking hospital care. The epidemic cannot be stopped, the goal is to stop it and protect the performance of hospitals. The emergency protection measures announced by the government, which have been extended by the government for another month, serve this purpose: the curfew and other protection measures will remain in effect until January 11.

To maintain health protection, the government also extended epidemiological preparedness for half a year.

For Christmas Eve, the night of December 24-25, the government has suspended the curfew, and the 10-person limit for private events and family gatherings does not include those under 14. The evening curfew will be alive on New Years Eve.

The government has suspended flights from Britain since Tuesday.

They also reported that more than 300,000 people have already signed up to get vaccinated on the website created for this purpose. The government is negotiating the purchase of all possible foreign vaccines, so far it has immobilized 17.5 million doses of vaccines.

The Pfizer vaccine was the first to be approved by the European Medicines Agency, and vaccination can begin in late December, the first time with healthcare workers, the population will be mass vaccinated in 2021. Vaccination will be free and voluntary.

The post office will deliver a letter to pensioners in December informing them of the possibility of registration by the national medical director, Cecília Müller.

In the interest of families and businesses, the government has planned the addition of an economic protection action plan: the loan repayment moratorium has been extended by six months until July 1, The government is helping families who are raising and expecting children with a discounted home renovation loan of up to HUF 6 million at an interest rate of up to 3%.

The government has suspended the shopping time zone for seniors so that there is no tumult in stores during Christmas shopping. It is still mandatory to wear the mask when purchasing.

Hospitals and nursing homes are still prohibited from visiting them. In addition to health workers, social workers involved in defense, police officers, soldiers and public servants can also use public transport for free.

There is still a curfew between 8 am and 5 pm, with the exception of pharmacies and gas stations, stores can remain open until 7 pm.
The rules introduced so far regarding the use of masks and distance are still valid, in some public areas of settlements with more than 10,000 inhabitants, the use of masks is mandatory. The use of a mask is not yet mandatory during sports, as well as in parks and public areas.

All meetings are prohibited. Restaurants cannot accept guests, hotels cannot accept tourists. All events, including cultural events and Christmas fairs, are prohibited. Sports matches must be held behind closed doors. The use of leisure facilities, such as fitness rooms, indoor swimming pools, museums, libraries, cinemas and zoos, ice rinks is prohibited.

Schools are cleaned during winter break and, when necessary, soldiers disinfect them. Elementary schools will open on January 4, and after a week of digital education in secondary schools, the traditional work schedule is expected to resume on January 11. Body temperature measurement will continue and educators will receive a free rapid test in early January, for which they can now register.

A maximum of ten private and family events and a maximum of 50 funerals are available. A wedding can only take place without a wedding.

Public parking is free. Commercial P + R, Parking Garage, Parking Garage, Enclosed Surface Parking and Non-Enclosed Surface Parking can be used free of charge from 7pm to 7am.

In Hungary, everyone has a hospital bed, care, a ventilator and the goal of protective measures is to keep it that way. Deferred surgeries have been suspended and the number of hospitals involved in care and the number of hospital beds reserved for coronavirus patients has increased.

To curb the spread of the community, everyone is still asked to avoid places where there are many indoors, preferably maintain a social distance, wash their hands often and thoroughly.

Free flu shots are being given, and GPs are getting regular flu shots.

According to the site map, the majority of people have so far registered in Budapest (60,125) and Pest County (39,332). It is followed by the counties of Győr-Moson-Sopron (18,292), Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén (17,869), Hajdú-Bihar (17,660) and Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg (15,510). The county least affected by the infection is Tolna (6018).
