Coronavirus: about 17,000 infected were found in the Czech Republic in one day


The AFP news agency reported that more than 3,927 people had died from the virus-related illness in the United States in the past day, up from 341,845, according to a summary from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore at 8: 30 pm number of deaths. The number of infected has increased by 189,671 in 24 hours and is gradually approaching twenty million. The number of infected passed the 19 million mark on Sunday. The United States is followed by India with 10.2 million infections.

Chief Infectologist Anthony Fauci, director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergology and Infectious Diseases, said the other day that he fears that the severity of the epidemic is yet to come in the United States. To date, almost 2.8 million people have received the first vaccine, but the current vaccination rate cannot stop the rapid increase in cases of infection.

Joe Biden, who will take office on January 20, also warned Tuesday that if the vaccination campaign continues at this rate, it could take years for all Americans to get vaccinated. Biden has set a goal of vaccinating 100 million people in 330 million countries in the first 100 days of his tenure, but this will require one million vaccinations a day, increasing the current vaccination rate five to six times.

Meanwhile, the Canadian Department of Health also provided record epidemiological data on Wednesday: 7,476 new cases of infection were registered in one day, more than ever. This increased the number of infected to 572,982. The daily record so far was almost seven thousand infected. In Canada, 15,472 people have died so far from complications from the Covid-19 disease caused by the virus. The vaccination campaign began on December 14 with a vaccine developed by the American company Pfizer, and the Moderna vaccination has arrived in the country on December 24.

Cover image source: MTI / Balázs Mohai.
