Coronavirus: A vaccine can also be produced in Romania and Slovakia


According to a report by the Mediafax news agency, the prime minister said the European Commission was interested in whether Romania had the necessary vaccine production capacity in principle. The Prime Minister replied affirmatively and details are already being negotiated. It did not indicate which vaccine would be involved or when production could begin..

According to the report, there is no production of vaccines developed in Russia and China. Presumably the vaccines would be produced at Armac’s Cantacuzino Research Institute in Bucharest.

The Slovak Prime Minister also spoke on Saturday about: The Sputnik V vaccine developed by Russia may also be manufactured in Slovakia.. Igor Matovic told the Slovak public service announcer that the Russian producer would like countries that buy the Sputnik V vaccine to also commit to producing the vaccine on their territory.

The Slovak prime minister also noted that he also wants to negotiate the production of vaccines by Pfizer / BioNTech and Moderna in Slovakia, but it is not yet known whether these negotiations could lead to success. If Slovakia could produce a coronavirus vaccine, it would not only keep it for itself but also supply it to other EU member states, Matovic added.

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