Coronavirus: a vaccinated person brought the South African mutant to Slovenia


The 14-day quarantine obligation due to the coronavirus epidemic in Croatia will be restored, Krunoslav Capak, director of the Croatian Institute of Public Health (HZJZ), told a crisis team at a press conference on Friday. A variant of the South African coronavirus has also been detected in Slovenia in a previously vaccinated person returning from Africa.

Capak explained this by previously reducing the length of the official quarantine to ten days so that healthcare workers can return to work as soon as possible. However, this is no longer necessary because most healthcare workers have already been vaccinated against the coronavirus, the MTI said.

The crisis team also reported on the epidemiological conditions of the new landforms. In Croatia, the terraces of restaurants and cafes can be opened from Monday and indoor training is also allowed.

Interior Minister Davor Bozinovic, head of the crisis team, said the restaurants could be open from six in the morning until ten at night. Only staff can be inside. When using the bathroom, guests must wear a mask.

Without music

On the terraces the distance of three meters between the tables must be respected. Music is not allowed, which the minister explained by the fact that in addition to loud music, people speak louder, which facilitates the spread of the virus.

For indoor workouts, a person can be within twenty square feet and contact should be avoided. As an example, he mentioned that in the case of basketball or soccer, you can do fitness training, shoot at goal or shoot a basket, but you can’t play a game. The use of common areas, such as changing rooms and showers, is also prohibited, he emphasized.

In croatia 505 new infections have been identified in the last 24 hours. Since the beginning of the epidemic, their number has reached 242,097. In one day, 14 patients died from complications from coronavirus-induced Covid-19 disease, bringing the death toll to 5,503. The hospital cares for 780 patients, 73 of whom are connected to a ventilator.

Next door In slovenia By Friday, the number of recorded infections had risen by 912 to 188,789. In the past 24 hours, 14 patients have died, bringing the death toll to 3,823. Of the coronavirus patients, 529 are in the hospital and 95 are in the intensive care unit.

The South African mutant came from Namibia.

Health Minister Janez Poklukar told a press conference on Friday that a mutant of the South African virus had been detected in a Maribor resident who had recently returned from Africa. He added that he had been vaccinated against the coronavirus before traveling there.

The Slovenian press wrote about the infected doctor and an employee of the Maribor hospital. He came home over the weekend from a vacation in Namibia and did not have to self-quarantine after returning home, as the vaccination certificate exempted him from this. That’s why he went to work on Monday.

However, he did not know that he had been infected despite the vaccination. Subsequently, all of that person’s contacts were traced and 10 people were sent to an official detention center. It also indicated that 30 percent of all positive PCR tests in the Maribor region are genetically tested (virus sequencing) weekly.

At the same time, the head of the ministry urged everyone not to travel abroad because the epidemic situation is worse in many countries than in Slovenia, including a higher rate of new, more infectious coronavirus variants.
