Coronavirus: a 28-year-old man has died


The number of infected people is increasing around the world, but especially in Europe. In addition, we are witnessing exponential growth. It is the third day in a row that about 4,000 people have signed up in 24 hours, he said. Müller Cecília national chief physician at the press conference of the operational staff.

We are in the growing phase of the epidemic, he said. Therefore, it is important for people to adhere to epidemiological measures.

A 28-year-old man died. (He is not the youngest victim of the epidemic at home, a 20-year-old in mid-October who was also a severe cancer patient.) On the government side, his underlying disease, the only one that has died in the last 24 hours, is “data load.”

According to the latest data, the number of coronavirus deaths in one day has never been as high as in the last 24 hours, with 70 people dying.

The number of new infections remains high, with more than 3,500 new patients registered yesterday. The proportion of positive tests is 26 percent.

Stronger rules, stricter cops

Since we are witnessing an extremely upward trend, the rules must be followed. As of today, the rules for wearing masks have been tightened, Müller recalled.

In this situation, do not follow the gaps. The goal is to protect ourselves and others from infection.

After a sneeze or cough, it is worth changing the mask.

Kristóf Gál, an ORFK spokesperson confirmed that the police will control more and more strictly.

Today a new rule on wearing masks came into force. You already have to wear a mask in restaurants, restaurants, and entertainment venues. The restaurant and the store operator are also responsible for complying with the rules. A guest who does not wear the mask despite being instructed to do so must be denied service and asked to leave the room.

In addition, in accordance with the regulations already in force, the use of the mask is still mandatory in shops and public transport in cinemas, theaters, taxis, shopping centers, health and social care establishments, reception offices, outdoor events and events sports. .

Contact investigation

Rapid tests are already in use, but they are still relatively few, and most tests are still PCR.

Contact investigation is still working

Müller said.

About 7 percent of those hospitalized will be hooked up to a ventilator, according to a national medical director. About half of those hooked up to a ventilator will be cured.

Are more adjustments planned? According to Müller, we have introduced relatively few rules in Hungary, strict adherence to them will flatten the curve of the epidemic and slow the spread. There is a lot of individual responsibility, according to the medical director.

Featured Image: MTI / / Gergely Botár
