Coronavirus: 3,927 infected, 87 dead in Hungary, many have never been tested


By Thursday, 3,927 new Hungarian citizens had confirmed their coronavirus infection and 87 patients had died. A record number of 23,521 tests were performed in one day, 16.7 percent of which were positive.

Photo: / Dániel Szabó

Compared to the previous days, the epidemic spread much faster around the world on Thursday based on the number of new infections. According to the ​​data series published Thursday morning in Hungary, 3,927 new infected people were identified in one day, bringing the number of infected people to 126,790. The number of active infections has risen to 94,704 since Wednesday morning.

In the coronavirus disease (covid-19), 87 people died last day, mostly the elderly, chronic patients, and the number of deaths so far has risen to 2,784. The number of healers amounted to 29,302.

A total of 6,426 coronavirus patients are hospitalized, 486 of whom are hooked up to ventilators, according to the government website.

Record number of tests, 23,521 tests performed in the last 24 hours, 16.7 percent of which were positive, even more than three times the WHO recommendation, which is considered satisfactory if the rate of positive results does not exceed and 5 percent.

The number of infected people is growing exponentially across Europe, in neighboring countries and in Hungary, with more and more people requesting hospital care. The epidemic cannot be stopped, the goal is to stop the epidemic. The new protective measures are aimed at reducing the number of coronavirus illnesses and the burden on hospitals.
