Coronavirus: 39-year-old teacher passed away, teachers demand immediate action


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“However, in many places the conditions for safe work have not been created. Even teachers have to buy mouth masks! Daily reports on disinfectants, the low number of institutions involved in the infection are no longer enough, they are needed strong measures to avoid further tragedies “- writes PSZ.

On August 12, 2020, the PSZ sent recommendations to government ministries and organizations, in which it stated that the government should take appropriate measures to curb the second wave of the coronavirus epidemic. “Among other things, we have recommended the hiring of teachers with chronic diseases outside the classroom. Hiding behind the recommendations of the educational management and the National Center for Public Health, he wants to sew responsibility around the neck of those responsible for institutions and schools. educators, “they write.

Complaints have been coming to PSZ for weeks for failing to test those who have been in contact with an infected person in a school or kindergarten, there is no actual contact investigation. At the same time, the union has long demanded that those working in education be screened, but this has not materialized and there is no need to wait for an actual contact investigation.

Minister Miklós Kásler announced almost a month ago that not only educators infected with the coronavirus would receive 100 percent of sick pay, but also those who would be quarantined. However, this has no legal background, even though the PSZ has been requesting it ever since.

The Teachers’ Union just released its online survey: the vast majority of thousands of respondents do not feel safe at work, so the PSZ is waiting for decisive action from the government.

Addressing the public, the Teachers Guild demands:

  1. Educators with chronic diseases, that is to say, in danger of extinction, can teach immediately from a distance, from home!
  2. At the public educational institution where the virus appears, immediately order non-school days, and if the number of diseases increases, order education outside the classroom!
  3. Start free testing educators immediately at intervals set by epidemiologists!
  4. Everyone who is certified as a COVID-infected worker should receive 100% sick pay!
  5. All those who are quarantined as educators will receive their full salary, as announced by Minister Miklós Kásler!
  6. After the fall break, starting in November, hybrid education will be introduced in primary and upper secondary schools (classes will be divided into two groups, one will attend school for a total of 3 days, two will study at home, exchanging next week), thus reducing the number of meetings, thus risk of infection!
  7. Keep a public database of how many students and how many educators were quarantined, how many were infected, hospitalized, and died as a result of coronavirus infection!
  8. Before October 12, please inform the government what security measures you plan to take during the upcoming fall graduation term! PSZ requires these security measures to be at least as strict as during the spring graduation period, the statement concludes.

Educators are not the only ones calling for government action. In addition to many suggestions, p. Eg Magyar Nemzheti Bank wrote to expand state-subsidized coronavirus testing, especially in healthcare and education. “State support for the price of PCR tests performed in private healthcare can mainly help to rule out suspicious cases. We recommend regular testing for those who work in education and healthcare,” central bank experts wrote.

Cover image: Shutterstock
