Coronavirus: 16 million people vaccinated worldwide, AstraZeneca not worth much in South Africa


A disease called Covid-19 caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus

  • The United States is the most affected, with 27,004,716 infected to date and 463,437 deaths.
  • India is the second most infected country in the world, with 10,826,363 infected, 154,996 deaths and 10,522,601 recovered so far.
  • On the podium in Brazil, there are 9,524,640 infected, 231,534 dead and 8,467,982 cured.

According to Johns Hopkins University nearly 128 million doses of vaccine have been administered worldwide to date, the number of people who received full protection (that is, who have already received both doses), Jumped over 16 million peoplehowever, it currently represents only 0.21% of the world’s population.

According to the data, in proportion to the population

  • Israel is the best country with a vaccination coverage of almost 23%,
  • Israel is followed by Gibraltar with 14.5%,
  • then the Cayman Islands enter with almost 5% (in the last two cases, the fact that they have fewer inhabitants plays a role in the high proportions, so they can vaccinate many in proportions even in relatively low doses).

Among the largest countries, the vaccination rate so far is 2.8% in the US, 2.6% in the United Arab Emirates, 2.23% in Denmark, and more than 2% in Slovenia. Hungary, on the other hand, is roughly on par with Germany with a vaccination rate of 1.07%..

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