Coronavirus: 1 million people have already been vaccinated in Britain


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Hancock emphasized that the vaccination campaign will accelerate further from Monday when mass use of a vaccine developed jointly by the University of Oxford and the pharmaceutical plant AstraZeneca begins. The UK vaccination campaign began on December 8 with a vaccine developed by Pfizer and BioNTech.

The British Medicines Authority (MHRA) also licensed the Oxford / AstraZeneca vaccine on Wednesday and the UK government announced on the same day that the vaccine will be available in the UK on January 4.

In his Twitter post on Friday, Matt Hancock confirmed that the UK vaccination campaign is moving towards a new dosing schedule so that as many as possible can get the first dose as quickly as possible. According to the Health Minister, this could save lives, ease the burden on the public health service (NHS) and allow restrictions to be lifted more quickly. Two doses of the vaccines approved so far must be administered.

However, on the recommendation of the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunization (JCVI) together with the UK government, the UK government shifted the focus from giving the second dose as soon as possible to getting the first dose as soon as possible, especially from the most vulnerable. to rapidly develop protection against serious diseases caused by coronavirus infection.

Consequently, instead of the time difference from the previous three weeks, the first dose can be followed by the second dose within 12 weeks. Chris Whitty of England, Michael McBride of Northern Ireland, Gregor Smith of Scotland and Frank Atherton of Wales, Chief of Staff, and Jonathan Van-Tam, England’s Deputy Chief of Staff, said in a joint statement Friday presented by the Department of health:

Administration of the second dose of vaccine is likely to be very important for the duration of protection, but in the short term there is a good chance that it will only moderately increase the efficacy of the vaccine, with initial protection against disease largely thereafter. of the first dose.

According to the chief doctors, it is obviously more beneficial from a public health point of view to be able to vaccinate twice as many people in the next two to three months, shifting the focus to the first dose as soon as possible, concentrating on the two doses as soon as possible. possible. , and in your case, there is only a small increase in protection after the second dose.
