Contents – Sport – Győr handball players practically reached the final of the four


The Győrs boast a record 54-game series in January 2018 in the BL. During this period, they have 47 wins and seven withdrawals on their balance sheets. The rematch of the duel will be played next Saturday.

Among the guests were Dorottya Falidégi and Szidónia Puhalák, and Majda Mehmedovics and Andrea Lekics were missing from the Hungarians.

Based on the brave defenses of Amandine Leynaud, Győr started very well, and since the home team’s defense was not effective enough, the defending champion led 6-2 in the eighth minute. There was also a four-goal difference in the 17th minute, after which the Montenegrins reached 10-9 after a time-out and several substitutions. They couldn’t match a double-man lead and then use overwhelming offensive play, and even the invigorated guests with a 6-1 series had a huge lead before the break.

Due to the excellent defense of the ETO, Buduchnos could barely get into position at the start of the second half, so in the 37th minute the position was already 20-12, and in the three-quarter game there was a ten. -Difference of objectives between the teams. The Hungarians were only successful three times in 21 minutes, taking advantage of this, Győr decided to advance in the first match, as he won more than expected.

The most successful player on the field was Győr’s Stine Oftedal, who scored nine goals from 11 shots. His teammate Amandine Leynaud contributed 13 defenses to the success. Hosts Jovanka Radicsevics and Allison Pineau closed with five hits apiece.

In the 24th match between the two teams, Győr won for the 17th time with three defeats and four draws, never having beaten his Montenegrin rival by so much difference.

Buducsnost Podgorica (Montenegro) –Gyori Audi ETO KC 19–30
shots / goals: 42/19 and 42/30, respectively
goals from seven meters: 3/3 and 2/2, respectively
exposures: 6 and 6 minutes, respectively


(Cover Image: Stine Oftedal also stood out in this match – MTI / Csaba Krizsán – archive)
