Contents – Abroad – Nagorno-Karabakh: NATO Secretary General urges a ceasefire


NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg held a joint press conference in Ankara with Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Cavusoglu, calling for an immediate ceasefire between the Azerbaijani and Armenian forces, who have been fighting for more than a week in a predominantly Armenian country. -Because of Karabakh.

According to the Secretary-General, “they must stop fighting immediately” and help find a “peaceful and negotiated solution.” He also pointed out that there is no military solution to the conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia.

Jens stoltenberg He says NATO is deeply concerned about the escalation of hostilities and then stressed that he hopes Ankara, Baku’s main ally, will use its influence to ease tensions.

At a press conference, the Turkish Foreign Minister urged the international community and NATO to ask Armenia to withdraw from Azerbaijan as soon as possible. No other possible solution to this problem has been expressed.

At the same time, the head of Turkish diplomacy believed that “it is essentially a war crime for Armenia to directly target civilians.”

Battles between Nagorno and Armenian forces broke out on September 27 in Nagorno-Karabakh. In both countries a state of emergency was declared and mobilization was ordered. The clashes have claimed more than 200 dead and wounded, according to Armenian sources, and the Azerbaijani party reported 24 civilians killed and 121 wounded on Monday morning.

At the moment, the great powers – Russia, the United States and the European Union – are trying in vain to persuade their opponents to stop fighting.
