Consumer protection process initiated against International Oltópont Kft. Receivable for vaccine prescription


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The Consumer Protection Department of the Budapest Government Office has initiated ex officio proceedings against the private healthcare provider, which is taking a reserve for the administration of Covid-19 vaccines for five thousand guilders.

The government office is investigating whether the International Oltópont Kft. Engages in unfair business practices by pre-ordering money, and whether the vaccination-related information posted on its website is complete and true. The company has been the subject of consumer protection proceedings before, but due to new circumstances that emerged as the national vaccination strategy progressed, the authority reopened an investigation against the company.

The government office also asked the company to provide data: among other things, it is awaiting a response on how much the pre-registration fee has been charged so far and when the vaccination is expected to begin on its part. The private healthcare provider must also indicate how and from whom they intend to purchase the vaccine, especially since currently only states can purchase coronavirus vaccines. (MTI)
