Congratulations to Biden are coming, but the result may change


German Chancellor Angela Merkel congratulated Joe Biden on his results in the US presidential election on Saturday. French President Emmanuel Macron, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez expressed their best wishes to Biden.

Angela Merkel worded as follows:

“Congratulations from the bottom of my heart! The American citizens decided. Joe Biden will be the 46th president of the United States

“I wish good luck and success from the bottom of my heart and I also congratulate Kamala Harris, the first female vice president-elect of her country,” added the German Chancellor, the first female head of government of her country.

As he wrote, he is happy to be working with Joe Biden. “The transatlantic friendship between Germany and the United States is fundamental to face the great challenges of our time,” stressed the Christian Democratic politician.

Emmanuel macron The French head of state also congratulated Democratic candidate Joe Biden on his victory in the US presidential elections.

“We will have a lot to do with the current challenges. Let’s work together! The French president wrote in a message posted on Twitter in English.

Jean-Yves Le Drian The French secretary of state said a new transatlantic relationship is needed between the United States and the European Union, regardless of which candidate wins the US presidential election.

“We will not return to the status quo, the transatlantic relations of yesteryear,” warned the head of French diplomacy.

“The fundamental change in the last four years is that Europe has declared its sovereignty. In the field of security, defense policy, the issue of strategic autonomy ”, he added.

Boris johnson The Conservative British Prime Minister also congratulated Joe Biden on his victory in the US presidential election.

In her Saturday night statement posted on Twitter, Johnson also congratulated Kamala Harris, the next vice president of the United States, calling her achievement a historic achievement.

“The United States is our ally and I look forward to our future close cooperation in areas that both countries consider priorities, from climate change to trade and security issues,” the British prime minister said in a message.

Andrzej Doubt On his Twitter page he congratulated the American politician on his electoral campaign.
“Pending the Electoral College nomination, Poland is determined to maintain the high level and quality of the Polish-American Strategic Partnership to achieve an even stronger alliance,” the Polish president wrote.
Polish Chief of Staff and Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Krzysztof Szczerski recalled in a previous radio interview that Duda has had a very good relationship with current US President Donald Trump for the past four years.
At the same time, he stressed: in terms of interests, interstate relations, he is “calm about the future of Polish-American relations.”

Milos zeman The Czech head of state congratulated Joe Biden by telegram, said presidential spokesman Jirí Ovcácek.
The election result shows that Americans want change, he said in a telegram. The Czech president expressed hope that the United States will be more open to Europe in the future.
“I think it remains valid that Europe needs the United States as much as the United States needs Europe. Together, they can make a better contribution to making free trade fairer around the world, ”said Milos Zeman.

Andrej Babis The Czech Prime Minister, who congratulated Biden on Twitter, said it is important that “the new head of state takes an active position in favor of the federal NATO system and seeks to conclude trade agreements with the European Union.”
Both Zeman and Babis rated the Czech-American relations as very good and expressed confidence that the cooperation will continue.

Igor Matovic On Twitter, he congratulated: “The citizens have spoken. Our close cooperation will continue, ”wrote the Slovak Prime Minister. Matovic said he was confident that the United States and the European Union “will become strong partners” in the future.
The Slovak Prime Minister called overcoming the coronavirus epidemic the most important task of the new section, which is currently waiting to be solved.
Slovakia is willing to work closely with the new US president, Slovak Foreign Minister Ivan Korcok wrote on Facebook. “We need each other now more than ever,” he said.

Klaus Iohannis The Romanian head of state congratulated Joe Biden in a Twitter post. “Congratulations to President-elect Joe Biden on his victory. I look forward to further strengthening all dimensions of our strong and dynamic strategic partnership. Romania will continue to work to strengthen the security, prosperity and resilience of our transatlantic community, ”the Romanian head of state wrote on his community page.

Andrej Plenkovic the Croatian prime minister also congratulated a democratic politician. “The Croatian government is pleased to work with you and your administration to strengthen bilateral relations and the transatlantic partnership,” the prime minister wrote on his Twitter page.
