BKV could buy electric buses for 7 billion guilders and the government would reach an agreement with the Russian company out of court.

The Hungarian government would pay BKV a fine of almost 7 billion from the Russian company Metrowagonmas, which delivers the triple subway cars, writes Népszava. The conclusion of the cabinet to the capital in this regard would be that BKV could only buy electric buses with the money.

BKV sued the Russian company in February 2019 and is demanding a HUF 6.8 billion fine. According to the article, the claim would be assigned to the Ministry of Innovation and Technology (ITM) by BKV, and the Ministry would either withdraw from the lawsuit or reach an agreement with the Russian company.

The newspaper knows that negotiations on the transfer of the fine could begin shortly after the election between Orbán and Navidad’s cabinets. According to Népszava sources, all three parties would benefit from this solution: the capital would get money, Metrowagonmash could use the subway cars as a reference, and the government could win a good point in diplomatic relations between Hungary and Russia.

The wagons around Metro 3 have been running since 2013, when the capital and BKV began to replace old Russian trains that were in unsustainable condition. The Russian Metrovagonmas won the public tender for the renovation and since then it has been debated whether the Russians sent new or old cars to Budapest.

Already after they went on the market, the cars produced several breakdowns; for example, when the doors were closed, it was the famous and infamous wooden cube door. Then soon the first rust spots and cracks and uneven joints were noticed suggesting a poor installation.

A scandal broke out around Russian subways in early January when it emerged that BKV had taken six wagons out of service due to rusting floorboards. BKV later said that Metrovagonmash, which was in charge of the remodel, had changed production technology after delivering the first 13 trains (with six cars per piece), with no problems with the rest. Also, it turned out that the repair of cars will be carried out under warranty by the Russian company.

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Christmas in Metro 3: We work to face the unsustainable situation that occurs in summer

At home

The mayor explained why the majority of the opposition voted for an amendment proposal by Attila Ughy of Fidesz, which would have included the purchase of air conditioners in the accessories of metro line 3 in this year’s budget in Budapest.

The accessibility of the subways of Metro 3 would cost between $ 17 and 18 billion

At home

If the necessary resources are available, planning for the extension of metro line 3 in Káposásmegyer can be completed by the end of this year.