In response to the statement from the resigned Vice Chancellor, the State Audit issued a statement.

“The State Audit Office draws the attention of the resigned management of the University on the preparation of the transfer ensuring compliance with legal regulations to create a transparent accounting with public funds and assets,” the SAO wrote in its statement. ), the resigned Vice Chancellor is British television channel stated in his broadcast, “there is no transfer” at the University of Theater and Film Arts.

Eszter Novák said quite precisely: “there is no transfer, nothing has happened under the leadership of the university, for the moment the rights of the maintainer have been transferred to the board headed by Attila Vidnyánszky.” According to Eszter Novák, from October the university will not be in charge of the current management, there will be a completely new direction appointed by the board of directors.

In the announcement, the SAO called the attention of the new SZFE Board of Trustees to ensure the implementation of the takeover.

In the Communication, the Court recalls that in 2014-2015 it conducted an audit of the management of all state higher education institutions for the period 2009-2013, when it found a series of weaknesses in the University of Theater and Cinema. Subsequently, the identified risks and “irresponsible managerial behavior” justified the initiation of another audit of the SAO, which was completed in May 2019, and the SAO again found deficiencies.

The University of Theater and Cinema has been blocking students for more than a week protesting against the institution becoming a foundation and ending its autonomy, demanding that the Board leave.

Several university professors have resigned, and students have organized several demonstrations, protesting with a live broadcast on Sunday, the academic year slipping, while international publicity has already noticed an exhibition around the university from Eva Green to one of the most acclaimed theaters in Europe.

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