The porn site constantly reviews its content under new regulations.

Pornhub, the world’s largest sponsoring provider, removes videos from its interface that were not uploaded to the site by a partner or authenticated user, Vice writes

According to the portal, millions of pornographic films have already become inaccessible. Pornhub will review the videos in the next few days and decide which one to remove from the site according to the new policy.

The New York Times wrote last week that there are several sex movies with minors on Pornhub, and the operator is doing nothing about it. Following the outbreak of the case, Mastercard and Visa announced that they would sever ties with the site.

By the way, Pornhub has recently updated its download and upload policy: from now on, only registered users can upload content, those whose real identity has been verified by the company through an external system. And it can only be downloaded through the payment gateway.

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Pornhub was sued by a man with a hearing impairment because the porn videos are not properly subtitled

He claims that he lost the thread during the movie Busty stepmother taking care of her disobedient brother.

The Thai government has banned Pornhub

Even smaller rallies have been organized to bring back the porn sharer and his comrades, as the country is one of the strongest consumers in the world.