The president of the Chamber revealed more details about what he had asked Viktor Orbán.

After László Parragh asked Viktor Orbán to suspend business tax for one year and reduce corporate income tax, Mfor addressed the president of the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Parragh said he is aware that “the fiscal sensitivity of local governments is sensitive to local governments” but sees no other way for companies to operate sustainably.

Parragh responded to the suggestion that the business tax remained essentially the only substantial revenue for local governments for now, expects harsh criticism, but in the case of Budapest he sees that there would be room for austerity measures. For example, according to him, the capital does not need five deputy mayors; Another problem is that this would not yet make up for the hundreds of billions of guilders that would be lost if the business tax were suspended. In 2019, municipalities earned HUF 971 billion in local tax revenue, of which HUF 788 billion from business taxes.

He also talked about an element of the package that was not known until now. As he said, the closure of restaurants and accommodation will gradually become inevitable, which is why he proposes that the state bear 80 percent of the salary costs of these companies. A similar principle has been proposed for public participation in the reimbursement of accommodation reservations.

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Parrag doesn't like the Christmas restart tax

The president of the Chamber of Commerce considers the capital reset tax unacceptable.

László Parragh made two proposals to Orbán

Viktor Orbán met with the Speaker of the Chamber at the Carmelite Monastery on Sunday morning.