The damage to the cables is still being investigated and the repairs are not complete. However, natural gas transmission could resume at the end of October.

A technical error prevented the use of the Mosonmagyaróvár-Győr gas pipeline for ten days, so there was no domestic example before, the World economy.

After classifying the case as an accident, we introduced several measures to ensure the safe operation of the gas pipeline between Mosonmagyaróvár and Győr. We also immediately begin to reduce the pressure in the pipe section to a safe level.

– FGSZ Zrt., The manager and operator of the national gas system, told the newspaper.

The unprecedented amount of error was observed almost two weeks ago, in the area near Lébény. Even that day, the amount of natural gas that could be transported from Austria to the country was cut in half to zero the next day. So much so that it was discovered with smart ferret diagnostics, but the FGSZ no longer reported on the nature of the technical error. There were also no claims for repair costs and business interruptions.

Damage to the pipeline is still being investigated, but by October 30 commercial operation had already resumed. However, the repair will continue this week.

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At the peak of a year and a half, the price of natural gas because everyone expects a cold winter

Miklós Lengyel

The opposite effects drive the prices of raw materials.

Didn't buy Mol Orbán's favorite old Slovak-Hungarian gas pipeline

On Sunday, the deadline for Mol’s FGSZ to finally buy the empty Slovak-Hungarian gas pipeline built four years ago from the government.