For money, a small operating tribe of its own also enters the houses of culture.

János Slavik, infectologist and member of the operative tribe, lectures on the coronavirus epidemic across the country. The events are organized and moderated by Péter R. Kárpáti, the former protagonist of Friends.

The mayors are contacted by letter, for the execution they ask for 290 thousand florins plus VAT, that is, 368 thousand gross florins. In the sixty-minute program, the guest talks about the virus itself, the defense and the results of the investigation.

The guest can not only be a Slavik, Pál Győrfi, a spokesman for the ambulance service or Professor Lajos Papp, a cardiac surgeon, it can be requested for the same amount of money.

The amount requested is not outstanding, especially compared to the gas prices of artists of other genres. However, the question is whether, after the reform of the health system, such part-time positions can be assumed or authorized by speakers.

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Previously, we were too optimistic about the timing of the epidemic, says János Szlávik. According to the infectologist, at least a year before it becomes clear what the vaccines know, because the fact that the vaccines will be available early next year does not mean that they are effective either. But will there be a Hungarian vaccine? He also reveals this to Csaba M. Kiss.

Slavic: vaccination against influenza is recommended.

At home

Antiviral drugs are also effective, but they are not miracle cures.