Club Radio and 168 hours no longer have the support of the United Jewish Community of Hungary.


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The Hungarian United Jewish Community (EMIH) withdraws from the support of Klubrádió and 168 Óra, because they feel their goals have not been achieved, according to the interview given to by Köves Slomó, the community leader.

EMIH has been providing financial support to the two outlets since 2015 because they hoped to convey cultural and social messages and promote the fight against anti-Semitism through the newspaper and radio. Chief Rabbi Slomó Köves, who has a good relationship with the government, says that in recent years they have asked their international supporters to invest in the media through Brit Média Kft. And they have even provided Clubrádió with a free building.

“We did not even have a voice in the daily work of journalists, no one ever accused us of that, but in a sick, suspicious and hostile atmosphere from the beginning, we were also unable to enforce our own objectives. After five or six years of bitter experience, we had to recognize that due to the political polarization of the public and the cold conditions of the Civil War, the situation is not yet ripe for the values-based approach that we represent, ”said Köves.

The 168 Hours will be delivered in full to the former minority owner, Pál Milkovics, the owner of Pesti Hírlap and the minority stake in Klubrádió, which is being liquidated, will also be his.

The history of the secret negotiations of the 2018 elections.

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