Ciki, Huawei was again adorned with a photo of another DSLR



It is not the first time that the company has not been able to publish a photo taken with its own mobile phone, which later turned out to have been taken with a more serious machine.

The Chinese company apologizes for the “accidental” image sharing. We don’t even understand how a company thinks these days that a photo doesn’t reveal its true origin. Anno first crashed in 2016 with the Huawei P9, then, in 2018 and 2019, he tried to promote his knowledge of his own mobile phone, the latest photographer with a photo taken with a DSLR camera.

Abacus knows that DSLR photos were first discovered by 2018 iPhone Photography Awards contestant Huapeng Zhao. The images seemed familiar to her and she found some on Su Tie’s 500px photo sharing platform. According to the website, he used a full-frame Nikon D850, not a smartphone. The spicy thing is that the camera has many seven digits.

Since then, Huawei has uploaded a new version of the promotional video, apologizing and claiming that the previous footage was “incorrectly marked” due to the publisher’s negligence. “He also promised to be more cautious in the future:” We will be aware and meticulous to prevent such a situation from happening and live with the love of consumers. “

However, the company continued to tell Abacus that all the images were taken from its own Next-Image collection and that the competition allowed people to use any device, including competing DSLRs and smartphones.

In any case, Huawei apologized this time, so it seems like it can finally understand the seriousness of the photo forgery and hopefully stop the practice.

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