Chronic diseases in the order of vaccination.


Because there is no clear vaccination plan available to everyone, many do not understand why they have not yet been vaccinated, even though they are registered and suffer from a chronic disease.

One of the 444’s readers suffers from various chronic diseases, but according to his GP, he is not on the vaccination list yet, even though his group has started vaccinating chronic patients under 60 years of age. Therefore, the patient inquired by email to the competent authorities, and finally received an instructive letter from the Administrator of the National Health Insurance Fund (NEAK).

According to the letter, the vaccination schedule was compiled as follows: “Those who are at higher risk of having a more severe course of COVID, so they get sick and are hospitalized or ventilated, and have a higher risk of death.”

From the point of view of vaccination, the diseases in which “According to the data from the last year, the risk of a severe course and death is higher.”

On the risk list that determines the vaccination schedule, age comes first, followed by circulatory diseases, cancer, diabetes, COPD, and transplantation.

Those who do not suffer from these chronic diseases have not yet been included in the vaccination list.

Vaccination of chronic patients:
