Christmas would further toughen the rules of wearing a mask, they could be fined 50 thousand florins


Gergely Christmas The mayor calls an extraordinary meeting of the Metropolitan Assembly on September 14, 2020 at 4 pm to strengthen control against the epidemic.

The proposed agenda will include stricter rules on wearing a mask and stricter penalties for violators of the obligation to wear a mask.

The mayor proposes that the use of a mask covering the nasal and oral openings be mandatory in cinemas and theaters, as well as in the closed spaces of similar public cultural institutions and in condominium assemblies. The proposal also stipulates that violators of the obligation to wear a mask correctly, after an ineffective warning,

Inspectors of public spaces can be fined up to 50,000 HUF.

The Mayor also initiates that the General Assembly – Merkely Béla Also on the teacher’s recommendation: decide on free periodic coronavirus screening for those who work in nursing homes maintained in the capital and contact the government to introduce a similar measure for those who work in public education and health care. Gergely Karácsony also initiates that, following the example of other European states, the government should give the population the opportunity to participate in the free detection of coronavirus.

Christmas written open letter Towards Viktor Orbán, asked the Prime Minister what he plans to expand testing capabilities and make free trials available. In response, Orbán suggested that Christmas build a proper working relationship with operational staff.
